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  Milana May® is an established international musical artist, producer, singer, songwriter and actress who is the Metashaman directly descended from the Siberian Lineage. She has worked with and been featured by artists, music labels and global brands such as Beenie Man, Axel Thesleff, Kryoman, Richie Goods, Enhanced Music, AWAL Records, Avid Technology, Apogee Electronics, Experience Sedona, Life In Color Festival, Ultra Music Festival, Tomorrowland Festival and more. She is recognized by her distinct folklore-infused sound in musical genres such as Ethnic electronica, Dance music, New-age music and more.

“I spent most of my childhood in the wilderness, mountains, lakes and forest in the sacred location surrounded by multiple energy vortexes where my father brought us often. You want to talk about “savage”? There was no running water, an outhouse instead of the bathroom, and a cooking gas tank to prepare meals. I had to dip my head into a small water basin to wash my hair instead of what’s known to you as “the shower” and journey by foot 10 miles on a regular basis instead of using transportation. The rest of the time I was working on the farm. My grandma used to say “you want to eat, you grow it yourself!” And I had to go to school in the gray freezing town (not an ideal place for an indigo child). One special thing about that place was that our home was very close to what's called a Crop Circle (it was revealed years later when the Russian version of google maps was finally released).”

Under the guidance of her father, a verbal channel and a seer, she had been put through a unique right of passage, destined to experience profound spirit vision activations, convergence with all creation and more at a very early age.

“The entire time my parents barely had our basic needs met. I am talking about food, regular clothing to wear, transportation, etc. we didn’t have it easy. Possibly because my dad spent most of his time channeling endless stories, poems and books, fishing, climbing mountains and locating rare medicinal herbs in Altai and Sakhalin Taiga. He was a total monk.”

As a teenager, Milana May® leaves rural Siberia and travels alone to the center of the industrious world, New York City, following the calling to unmask humanity of its fear.

Center of Manhattan, full of allurements and temptations, was a perfect place to commence my mission. I submerged myself into The Big Apple life, allowed myself to be “swallowed by the serpent” in order to become fully conscious of the both worlds. I’ve seen a lot and been through a lot that I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through. It was a shark tank, sink or swim type of experience. All of this for the sole purpose of being re-emerged on the other side and be able to guide humanity to the light.”

With a masters degree in Vedic Arts and Sciences, an accreditation in Light Body Energy Mastery, an academic certification in Life Coaching, over 10 years of scientific research and analytical exploration in various disciplines such as jyotish, genetic resonance, kundalini awakening, light-body meditation, channeling, telepathy, DNA reprogramming, regeneration, energy mastery and more, Milana has become the divine feminine leader behind Gurumay™, an evolutionary wellness foundation whose mission is to continuously actualize quantum break-throughs in supernatural ways of personal and collective healing worldwide.

“Instead of watching random youtube videos, indulging in selfies on social media or going to afterparties I was putting the work in, focused, consistent and in solitude. We’re talking hours and hours of experiential energy practice on the side of my music career.”

After wearing the Couture Owl Wings for her main stage performance at Ultra Music Festival's 20th Anniversary Milana has been called to leave NYC and travel south-west to do lots of profound and focused spiritual work with indigenous tribes, sacred land and energy vortexes of the Red Rocks in Sedona, AZ and the Sonoran Desert. Here Milana May® went on many spiritual adventures, connected deeply with the source that shines it’s light through Gurumay™ and raised two real owls, Kus & Rah, who are the spirit guides of Gurumay™.

Milana May® then founded Gurumay University online as well as initiated a new futuristic ethno music project called THEØNESS™ with Axel Thesleff.

Today Milana is traveling the world, performing spiritual ceremonies in many parts of the world, healing people’s hearts, creating light and virtuously assisting humanity at a highest dignity, all thanks to Gurumay™ and THEØNESS™.

“Thank you, my dear soul family, everyone who is contributing to this wellness organization, thank you for helping create more light in the universe. You are truly blessed


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